I have got | I have not | have I |
you have got | you have not | have you |
he/she/it has got | it has not | has it |
we have got | we have not | have we |
you have got | you have not | have you |
they have got | they have not | have they |
Forme contratte e interrogativa negativa
I’ve got | I haven’t | haven’t I? |
you’ve got | you haven’t | haven’t you? |
it’s got | it hasn’t | hasn’t it? |
we’ve got | we haven’t | haven’t we? |
you’ve got | you haven’t | haven’t you? |
they’ve got | they haven’t | haven’t they? |
Attenzione a:
- quando significa possesso è seguito dal rafforzativo got, che è necessario nella forma affermativa
- in alcune espressioni viene usato come verbo principale
- seguito da infinito significa “dovere”
T9N - Appunti di inglese